

World War 1

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This song was written around the terrible slaughter of our shire and farm horses in this senseless war:

The Stallion Tom

Ch1 Fair stood the wind fur France
The waves wus roarin mighty
Fair stood the wind fur France
An wi wuz leavin  Blighty

The stallion Tom an mi
Wi served the mare-run farmland
Then Kitchener called fur wi
So wi walked down frum Cleveland

(ch 1)

An Tom ee wuz called to war
To aul the guns in battle
The reason they called im fur
To aul wur bullets rattle

(Ch 2) Ill stood the wind in France
The rain wus pourin mighty
Ill stood the wind in France
An wi wuz outa  Blighty

An ee wuz a Shire alright
Iz eart wuz big an steady
Fur aulin the guns all night
An ee stood ever ready

(ch 2)

But Tom i wuz flesh an bone
Wi shells an bullets rainin
An ee’d work on alone
You'd not ear Tom complainin

(ch 2)

The shell that kilt im came
As a stood on iz leaside
Twas wun that bore mi name
An that wuz ow owd Tom died

(ch 2)

Ee lay as if asleep
Along the meada dreamin
The mud it wuz slick an deep
The very air wuz screamin

(ch 2)

An a wuz screamin too
The shell took both mi legs out
Well wat wuz a to do
The dragged mi ter the dugout

(ch 2)

A dreamed an screamed fur Tom
A dreamed that wi wuz walkin
Along the fields of ome
An Tom could ear mi talkin

(ch 2)

Ah wish a ad died wi Tom
A wud na wonce abandon
The patched mi an auled mi ome
Ee Tom i were a grand un

(Ch 3) Fair stood the wind frum France
The waves wus roarin mighty
Fair stood the wind frum France
An wi wuz back in Blighty

The stallion Tom an mi
Wi wauked the northern farmland
Iz mares an then mi tea
Wen wi wuz ome in Cleveland

(Ch 3) Fair stood the wind frum France
The waves wus roarin mighty
Fair stood the wind frum France
An wi wuz back in Blighty

© 1999 Charlotte Peters Rock


John Jem an Willie an Winnie

They'd been cuttin an rakin an cockin all week
When Polly wuz backed inter shafts fer the walk
An piled on the ay wain we rode - fur ahr cheek
John Jem an Willie an Winnie
Aggie an Mary an me

Wi watched as the pitchers put cocks on the wain
The loader built corners an rose on the ay 
  An just as the corner poles vanished again 
  Arry an Polly got goin
Back up the lane te the yard

She pulled past the owse an the stables an such 
An roun be the shippon an inter the barn 
An we followed on wi the pitchers te watch 
John Jem an Willie an Winne 
Aggie an Mary an me

An as wi got older wi worked fur the men
Wi carried the ale te the fields an the barn
An John Jem an Willie got big an joined in
An Winnie an Mary got married
Leavin just Aggie an me 

But that wuz the golden time when we wur warm
Before the boys left fur the Marne an the Somme
An only the memories still linger on
Of John Jem an Willie an Winnie
Aggie an Mary an me (+rpt this verse)

© 2000 Charlotte Peters Rock

Mametz Wood

“Let our memories live on..”
The regiment was mostly gone

All pals together joined the war
The Fusiliers now gone before
were good brave men - who served and fell
at Mametz Wood through gas and shell

“Let our memories live on..”
The regiment was mostly gone

The fields are dressed in vivid green
Tall stones are ranked in greyish sheen
where all those men - who served us well
at Mametz Wood collapsed and fell

“Let our memories live on..”
The regiment was mostly gone

Now birdsong warbles in the trees
Where summer flowers aswarm with bees
remark the gentle drifting spell
of Mametz Wood whose poppies tell (

no ch)

a tale of Royal Welch Fusiliers
whose brave young men these many years
have lain below the place they fell
by war which put boys into hell

“Let our memories live on..”
The regiment was mostly gone

Now young men still so bright and brave
Remember comrades - each who gave
his life to serve through shot and shell
You serve us now - You serve us well

“Let our memories live on”
The Regiment was mostly gone

“Let our memories live on..” 
part of the inscription to those who fell at Mametz Wood, on the Somme.

© 2002 Charlotte Peters Rock

The Tara from Holyhead

Oh Megan fach don’t play that seranade
The one my lovely darling used to know
He laughed and joked whenever it was played
Oh Megan fach please no Megan no

Hibernia was such a safe old ship
From Holyhead across the Irish Sea
Dun Laoghaire back to Holyhead each trip
Megan fach why did it have to be

They sent her out to Egypt for the war
Renamed her Tara not to get confused
What do you think they needed my boy for
And all those lovely men they took and used

A u-boat in the Gulf of Sollum aimed
She sank just one month after she had gone
And some men died but some of them were maimed
The rest were starved beneath the desert sun
And now its 1916 and they’re back
Four months they starved til some of them were dead
But my boy’s not amongst them - that is clear
Was he blown to bits or starved instead

Lovely men from war to Holyhead
Back to start the fighting once again can I face them now he’s dead
I’m so glad they’re back - those lovely men

Oh Megan fach don’t play that seranade
The one my lovely darling used to know
He laughed and joked whenever it was played
Oh Megan fach please no Megan no

© 2002 Charlotte Peters Rock


Middlewich World War 1

 Marchin off ter war mi lads
A fine upstanding bunch yer are
Marchin off to war – now get
Them shoulders up an back

The call as cum to serve yer King an country
An all the farms an works are in a quand’ry
Dunt leave that lorry body on the gantry
Yer big an brave – dunt lissen ter yer Muther
Yer used ter workin ard in any weather
Cum on mi lads – jus sign up all together
Eres yer docket fur the train that’s leavin
Kiss yer girl – cum on an old the shovin
Practicin yer marchin not yer lovin
Overseas before yer know – mi sailors
Old yer sickness – eat yer grease yer foulers
Worse than this ull soon be yours – yer wailers
Weeks away an silences an worry
Ow ahr lads were marched off in a flurry
Nah thur comin omeward – thurs no urry
John’s gon blind an Little Eddie’s wailin
Tom an Rob an Arry’s all ome limpin
Most of ahr lads brought back in a coffin
See the empty fields an read the roll call
Widders - orphans - family by the church wall
Never loved these lads to see thur youth fall.

Marchin off ter war mi lads
A fine upstanding bunch yer are
Marchin off to war – now get
Them shoulders up an back

© 2014 Charlotte Peters Rock

Weeds an War

Brave weeds are growin taller now
The tow path carries flower eads
Ahr lads were taken off to war
What were they workin for?

Wi childer sproutin up like weeds
Their clothes are falling from their backs
Their Dads were taken off to war
What were we livin for?

We wash and bake and do wi out
No money comes to keep us fed
Last night we heard more died in war
What are they dyin for?

Wi babbies due and nowt to do
We work or rest our feet a bit
An soon we’ll see the back of war
That’s what we’re waitin for.

Old on to what we ave as ope
Tend men an babbies all the same
There’s only one sad end to war
What are we grieving for?

Ahr tender boys grow starved an chill
Let this war end when they are young
Or else they’ll send them off to war
We need an end to war.

© 2014 Charlotte Peters Rock

Into the void - in search of what?

Into the void - in search of what?

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